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af Carsten Staehr, 08-05-2008
C2C - Coast to Coast Challenge - 134 Miles Crossing the Lake District and the Pennines

The Challenge

In support for our Local charity COCO, I had the pleasure of being part of Team Cintra in what is known as The Coast To Coast Challenge (C2C). In total 10 teams of 3 team members embarked on the challenge which takes you through some of the most beautiful parts of the UK. It is two day event and has more than 17 Mountain stages. The distance is 134/140 miles depending on your choice of route.

The C2C starts in the former coal mining and industrial lands of West Cumbria, travels through the stunning scenery of the northern Lake District and heading into Keswick before passing through Penrith and the Eden Valley with its lush valleys and sandstone villages. It then starts the climb up to Hartside and onto the unspoilt Northern Pennines - the roof of England. There then follows an undulating ride as the C2C meanders through old lead mining villages, such as Nenthead and Rookhope, and down into the Durham Dales before entering the old steel town of Consett. From here it's an easy ride through one of Britain's old industrial heartlands to the North Sea and Sunderland.

The Start at The Irish Sea

It is tradition that you dip your back wheel in the Irish sea at the start in Whitehaven

Uphill and Uphill

The Hills make this route a real challenge and this was not helped by gale force head winds

Broken Down

The support vehicle is always on hand when you have trouble with your bike - and belive me there was a lot of problems

The Summit

One of the major highlights is the reaching the Summit of Hartside. This is after more than 6.8 miles constantly uphill.


Our Host COCO always made sure that there was refreshment on the route and it is quite amazing how hungry your get..

The Finish - The North sea

When you reach Sunderland at The North Sea it is tradition that you dip the front wheel in the sea but as you can imagine you are very tired at this stage so most people simply drive straith into the Sea

Team Cintra Celebration

From a personal point this is one the most exiting challenges, I have done for a very long time. It takes you through the heartland of the north of England and the scenery is simply breath taking. If you would like to see a diffent part of England in a slightly different mode of transport , then this comes highly recommended. Do however please make sure you do hill training before your start out, as this is not for the faint hearted.

for more information please visit www.c2c-guide.co.uk

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