Problemer med rute opmåling |
Rute Opmålingen anvender et API fra Google Maps, og derfor kan der være browser relaterede ting, som gør at Rute Opmålingen her på siden ikke virker i din browser og giver dig en fejl.
Prøv at kigge på de forslag her under og prøv én af gangen og se om det afhjælper problemet.
Internet Explorer Browser:
If you're having trouble using Google Maps with your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, please try the steps below to see if any of them resolves the problem:
1. Clear the browser's cache
Clearing your browser's cache may resolve the problem you're experiencing. To do so in Internet Explorer 6.0 or later version:
Open IE and click Tools.
Select Internet Options.
Click General, if it isn't already selected.
Click Delete Files.... under the heading 'Temporary Internet files.'
Click OK to exit.
2. Make sure JavaScript, ActiveX, and 'binary behaviors' are enabled
To enable these browser settings in IE:
Click Tools > Internet Options.
Click the Security tab.
Click the Custom Level button.
Verify that the Enable button next to 'Run ActiveX controls and plug-in' is selected.
If you're using XP, verify that the Enable button next to Binary and script behaviors is selected. If you're not using XP, continue to step six.
Verify that the Enable button under 'Active scripting' is selected.
Click OK, then click OK again to save your changes.
The easiest and safest way to enable our maps in your browser is to add Google Maps to your list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer. Here's how:
Click Tools > Internet Options.
Click the Security tab.
Select the 'Trusted sites' icon, and click the Sites button.
Deselect the option 'Require server verification for all sites in this zone.'
In the text field 'Add this Web site to the zone:,' type '' (without quotes) and click Add.
Repeat step five for ',' ',' and '*'
Click OK, then click OK again to save your changes.
Update the 'scripting engine' of your system
Google Maps takes advantage of several advanced browser features. If your browser appears not to load the map properly, you may need to update your scripting engine. You can obtain the latest scripting engine directly from Microsoft:
For Windows XP and 2000:
You'll probably need to restart your system after performing this update. Then, try Maps again to confirm if this step resolved your problem. Otherwise, try the next step.
3. Install the latest version of DirectX
Some IE users have reported that installing the latest version (9.0c) of DirectX has resolved the difficulties they've experienced viewing maps. To install DirectX, please visit
4. Check for security settings or browser plug-ins
Some security programs and third-party browser plug-ins are designed to modify webpage content and may interfere with the map display. If applicable, please try temporarily disabling components that may disable our maps in your browser.